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Paratech Paragliding lessons Australia
Beginner options

Beginner to Advanced Instruction

We offer a variety of training options for beginners and experienced pilots from solo introductions to full licence courses, refreshers, advanced flying and conversion courses for international pilots, hang glider pilots and skydivers. All modern equipment is supplied.

Upcoming course dates can be found below and on our Facebook events page click here.

Tandem paragliding australia

Intro + Tandem


An introduction to solo flight and a tandem instructional high glide from an 1800ft mountain!

skywalk Paragliders australia

2 Day Intro

A 2 day introduction to solo flight

All equipment supplied

Training hill & Classroom Theory


PG1 Solo Course

A 4 day introduction to solo flight

Get started on your PG2 licence

All equipment supplied


PG2 Solo Course

Get up to 7 days of training to achieve the PG2 Solo Licence after first completing our PG1 course

paragliding lessons queensland

PG2 Solo Licence

Our intensive 9 day solo licence course

No experience required

The fastest way to get flying

skywalk paragliders australia

Refresher training 
from $195

Refresh days - 1/2days for pilots who are feeling a bit rusty. Let us know what you need to get back up there

paragliding lessons australia

Skydiver Conversion

Available only for experienced licenced skydivers with 200+ logged jumps

Niviuk Paragliders Australia

Hang Glider Conversion

Available for licenced SAFA hang glider pilots with 50+ logged flying hours

Skywalk Paragliders Australia

Advanced Lessons

& Licence Upgrades

For licenced pilots of all levels. Improve your skills and fly higher, further, faster..

Upcoming Course Start Dates 2025

For PG1 and PG2 Solo Licence 

(PG2 Solo by appointment)

February 22nd PG1, PG2 Licence

March 15th PG1, PG2 Licence

April 18th (Easter Friday) PG1, PG2 Licence

May 10th PG1, PG2 Licence

May 31st PG1, PG2 Licence

June 21st PG1, PG2 Licence

July onwards TBA contact us

Please contact us to check availability before payment

When is the best time to learn?

Paragliders can be flown anytime as long the wind is not too strong or if its raining.


South East Queensland Winters are usually quite dry and mild which allow us to genuinely teach all year round and is our recommended time of year to begin solo training (March-November).

Thanks to our multiple high mountain sites facing west and east, pilots can still thermal up to 5000ft and fly more then 50km cross country during the shortest days of the year in June and July!

Summer days can be quite warm and humid so we simply often fly early in the morning and in the late afternoons to avoid the heat and strong thermal activity during your practical training. We have a large airconditioned classroom so we often retreat there during the middle of the day to complete the required theory components. Once you progress from the training hill and start flying from the mountains, the heat is not an issue as it is often nice and cool up high. Summer sea-breezes also offer good dynamic soaring with pilots often riding smooth lift up to 3000ft with spectacular views of the Gold Coast and Brisbane.

Video: A typical 3rd day of training on one of our 9 day Licence Courses.

Skywalk Paragliders Australia, Paragliding Australia, Niviuk Paragliders Australia
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